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Covid-19: We are all in this together
COVID-19 has challenged many of the assumptions we have hold as a society, and has laid bare the devastating effect that has had at a personal and community level. At the heart of this though, it has demonstrated our resilience, the sense of togetherness - even when we were asked to stay apart, our ability to innovate at a personal, professional, and technological level, adapt and be resilient.
It has more profoundly though demonstrated the commitment of our societies to look after each other, even sometimes at a great personal cost.
We would like to acknowledge and thank the healthcare practitioniers, and especially the frontline staff, that have demonstrated a sense of commitment, professionalism, and resilience to help our fellow human beings at a time of great need.
At Proteas, we believe we are all in this together, and will be donating 5% of our 2020 annual revenue to procuring PPE equipment, and supporting the extraordinary work of our frontline staff.

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